Booking and Confirmation
It is essential to provide the following with your booking:
Most frequently used email address
Mobile phone number
Confirmation of your booking will be sent out within one day of your booking.
You will be alerted of any cancellations or changes via mobile phone (call or text) and email.
If you haven't received a confirmation email within one day:
Check your Spam Folder - your email server may have accidentally marked the email as spam and removed it from your inbox.
Email [email protected]
If you believe you have provided incorrect details in your booking, email [email protected]
You may be ineligible for a refund if you miss a tour due to the following reasons:
Not checking your email or phone notices.
Providing incorrect details in your booking.
Payment Policy
The Pasadena Watercolor Group accepts payments in the following forms:
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)
Payments made through Paypal and EFT must be done in advance.
Group bookings payments must be completed at least one week in advance.
All payments must be confirmed at least two days before your chosen date to ensure you will be added to the list of attendees.
For an EFT payment please contact us. There is a 10% manual handling fee for EFT bookings of less than 5 people.
Age Policy
Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
The role of the accompanying adult is strictly to supervise. They will not be able to participate in the event unless they have purchased their own ticket.
Children under the age of 8 are unlikely to benefit from group events unless they have been specifically designed for them.
Further inquiries, or specific requirements, may be directed to
[email protected].
Vouchers are valid for 36 months from the date of purchase.
Use 'Contact Us' form on this website to redeem a voucher. Quote the voucher ID and your chosen event.
Mobility Policy
Most events are not physically strenuous, but involve a substantial amount of walking and standing on the day.
Please contact us prior to the event if you or a friend:
Have any concerns or inquiries about mobility issues
Require special assistance on the day
The team will do its best to ensure that the evemt is suited to your capabilities.
Events vary in cost based on the number of people attending, the length of the event, and if there are any additional costs such as special equipment. Please see the event details.
Full Events
Events often book out, and in these cases we unfortunately cannot squeeze extra people in.
There is no waiting list as people rarely cancel.
If you are very interested in a particular event theme, please let us know and if there is enough interest we'll run it again.
Suggesting an Event Idea
We love to hear ideas for events. If enough people let us know they are interested in a particular topic we can usually organise it.
Try posting to the Facebook group to gauge interest, and if there are 6 or more people who would like to attend we should be able to arrange a special session.
When is the Next Event?
Event dates are published on the homepage, ideally quite a few months in advance.
If none are listed it's because we are in the process of organising dates. Subscribe to the newsletter and we'll let you know by email as soon as the next date is confirmed.
Cancelled Events
Occasionally we need to cancel an event, usually due to bad weather, or a host falling ill at the very last minute.
When this occurs you will be notified via email and text, and the event will be rescheduled for another time. You will also be given the option of a refund.
Bad Weather
If bad weather is forecast your event (if being held outdoors) may be cancelled and you will be notified by email and text.
How long beforehand the event is officially cancelled depends on the forecast.
If it's very severe weather it will probably be cancelled a few days before.
If it looks like the weather may improve we'll leave it until the last minute. A bad forecast turns sunny surprisingly often.
Where Are Events Held?
Events are held in different locations, depending on the theme.
See the event details for it's location.
Facebook Posting Delays
How long it takes for your post to be published in the Facebook group depends on a number of factors.
Usually if you post a few times without breaking the rules you'll be given pre-approval and your posts will appear in the group as soon as you submit them.
Admin runs to approve new members and posts are usually done at least once every two days. Please be patient (and polite), and be aware than the group admin cannot be in the group 24/7.
Do I Need a Ticket to Attend?
Yes - even if the event is free.
All events require a booking so that the professional host can be paid for their time and skill.
Bookings must be made prior to the event, and cannot be made on the day. Bookings usually close between 1 and 24 hours beforehand, depending on the instructor, topic, and location.
Please do not attend an event without booking first, as you will be turned away.
Events often sell out, so please book early to be guaranteed a place.
Cancellations & Rescheduling
Cancellations with a full refund can be made up to 5 days before the event, and rescheduling up to 2 days.
A single booking can be rescheduled a maximum of 3 times.
Become an Instructor
Pasadena Watercolor Group is always looking for talented instructors to host meetups or workshops.
Some teaching experience is helpful but not necessary. The main requirements are:
1) Excellent teaching skills.
2) Good communication.
3) Very reliable.
4) Able to take advice and instruction and work as part of a team.
5) A good knowledge of the local area.
Pay is based on experience and the number of people attending your classes.
Classes are usually held on the weekend at various times depending on the topic.
Instructors should be able to commit to at least one class per month. Dates are confirmed from 1 to 6 months in advance.
To apply click on the
Host a Class link at the top of the page. If you have any questions use the
Contact Us link or read the
Host FAQ.
What is Orble?
Orble.com is the online platform used to coordinate and manage the groups.
Orble is owned an run by an Australia registered company, Orble PTD LTD.
We are based in the wonderful Sydney, Australia!
Our mission is to make the world a more fun and interesting place by fostering local communities, and running amazing events for those communities that entertain, teach, and inspire.
Read more about Orble on the
Orble FAQ.